Howdy 👋 I'm Ala,Building modern websites and fun game experiences

6566<FadeIn className='w-full' startScale={1} bounce={0.1} type={'spring'} duration={0.75}>67<h1 className='group mt-4 flex flex-col leading-[1.1] justify-center items-center '>68<div className='mb-4 text-3xl font-bold text-center transition duration-300 scale-90 opacity-60'>69Howdy, I'm Ala70</div> |71<div className='text-center sm:max-w-screen-lg sm:px-20'>72Building modern websites and fun game experiences73</div>74</h1>75</FadeIn>7677<FadeIn className='mx-auto' startScale={1} bounce={0.1} type={'spring'} duration={0.75} delay={0.25}>78<div className='flex flex-wrap justify-center gap-4 mt-12'>79<button80onClick={() => {81s1Ref.current!.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' });82}}83ref={discRef}84className='relative inline-flex items-center h-16 gap-4 text-xl font-medium text-gray-700 transition duration-300 shadow active:scale-95 cursor-down group rounded-2xl bg-white/90 px-7 hover:opacity-80'85>86Discover87<HiChevronDoubleDown className='transition duration-300 group-hover:translate-y-1' />88</button>89<a90onMouseEnter={() => {91discRef.current!.classList.add('opacity-50');92}}93onMouseLeave={() => {94discRef.current!.classList.remove('opacity-50');95}}96href='/cv-alachebbi.pdf'97target={'_blank'}98ref={cvRef}99className='relative inline-flex items-center h-16 gap-4 text-xl font-medium transition duration-300 bg-white bg-opacity-50 shadow select-none active:scale-95 whitespace-nowrap cursor-newtab rounded-2xl px-7 text-gray-700/70 hover:bg-opacity-100 hover:text-blue-800'100>101Get Resume102<HiOutlineDocumentText />103</a>104</div>105</FadeIn>106</div>107108<div className='relative flex w-full mt-20 '>109<FadeIn className='w-full ' startScale={0.9} bounce={0} duration={0.5} delay={0.35}>110<CodeWindow111className='w-full '112/>113</FadeIn>114115116</div>117</section>118119<section120className='relative flex flex-col max-w-screen-md pt-32 pb-12 layout scroll-mt-20'121id='about'122ref={s1Ref}123>124<FadeIn bounce={0} duration={0.5} distance={40} once={false}>125<h2 className='max-w-xl text-5xl text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-200'>126Passionate Frontend and <br /> Game developer127</h2>128</FadeIn>129<FadeIn bounce={0} duration={0.5} distance={40} once={false}>130<p className='max-w-2xl mt-20 mb-4 text-xl text-gray-600 dark:text-gray-400'>131Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Ala, a passionate programmer, gamer, artist and UI aspiring designer. I currently work as a fullstack web and mobile developer at <a href="" target={'_blank'} rel='noreferrer noopener' className='text-yellow-600 underline cursor-newtab'>Brandbox</a>.132133<br /> My favourite and most used frameworks are <em className='font-medium'>Next.js</em> and <em className='font-medium'>TailwindCSS</em> for frontend development and <em className='font-medium'>Unity3D</em> for game development.134</p>135</FadeIn>136
Passionate Frontend and
Game developer
Welcome to my portfolio! I'm Ala, a passionate programmer, gamer, artist and UI aspiring designer. I currently work as a Unity developer at Questt.
My favourite and most used frameworks are Next.js and TailwindCSS for frontend development and Unity3D for game development.
Website development
Made with React, plain HTML and CSS or Wordpress; Landing page or E-Commerce, the choice is yours. Performance and SEO are guaranteed!
Game development
I will help you turn your game idea into reality or help you implementing a game mechanic in Unity
Featured Projects
A redesign of a call agency's recrutement website using Next.js + Tailwind and MySQL. The project is in tandom with a complete overhaul of the agency's recrutement infrastructure.
My Career so far
- Software EngineeringHigher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse
- Integrated Preparatory CourseHigher Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology of Sousse
- Fullstack developer and UI designerBrandbox CURRENT
Lead web developer and UI designer at a creative agency.
- FreelancerFiverr / Upwork
Game dev and Fullstack Web freelancer
- Game development InstructorGomycode
Game development instructor at a training center